Browsing by Author Brodić, Darko
Showing results 9 to 10 of 10
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Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank |
Janković, Radmila ; Brodić, Darko | Usability analysis of the specific captcha types | Nov-2016 | Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference UNITECH; International Scientific Conference UNITECH 2016; 2 | M33 |
Brodić, Darko; Petrovska, Sanja; Janković, Radmila ; Amelio, Alessia; Draganov, Ivo | User-Centric Analysis of the CAPTCHA Response Time: A New Perspective in Artificial Intelligence | 3-Apr-2017 | ERCIM News; 109; 49-50 | M50 |