Browsing by Author Dragović, Vladimir

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 151 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaCaustics of Poncelet Polygons and Classical Extremal Polynomials1-Jan-2019Regular and Chaotic Dynamics; 24(1)M21
Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaCayley-type: Conditions for billiards within k quadrics in ℝ d30-Jan-2004Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General; 37(4); 1269-1276M21
Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav ; Jovanović, Božidar Chaplygin Systems with Gyrosopic Forces20239th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, July 5-7, 2023, Vrnjačka Banja, SerbiaM32
Dragović, Vladimir Chebyshev dynamics and isoharmonic deformations2021Joint meeting of Mathematics and Mechanics Colloquia in honor of 75th anniversary of MISANU, Belgrade, Serbia (online) Oct. 1, 2021M32
Dragović, Vladimir Chebyshev dynamics, isoharmonic deformations, and constrained Schlesinger equations2021International conference "Nonlinear waves and Frobenius structures in geometry and physics", Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia, 17-19 Nov, 2021M32
Dragović, Vladimir Classical and quantum integrable dynamical systems200110th Congress of Yugoslav Mathematicians (Belgrade, 2001)M30
Dragović, Vladimir Classical integrable mechanical systems and their integrable perturbations1998Publications de l'Institut Mathématique; 64(78); 153-164M24
Andrews, George E.; Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaCombinatorics of periodic ellipsoidal billiards2021Ramanujan Journal~M21
Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav ; Jovanović, Božidar Complete commutative algebras on TSO(n)/SO(k1) x..x SO(kr)2007Transformation Groups, December 7-22, 2007, Moscow; 36-37M30
Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaConditions of Cayley's type for ellipsoidal billiard1-Jan-1998Journal of Mathematical Physics; 39(1); 355-362M22
Dragović, Vladimir ; Shramchenko, VasilisaDeformations of the Zolotarev polynomials and Painlevé VI equations25-May-2021Letters in Mathematical Physics; 111(3); 75~M22
Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav ; Jovanović, Božidar Demchenko’s nonholonomic case of a gyroscopic ball rolling without sliding over a sphere after his 1923 Belgrade doctoral thesis1-Jan-2020Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; 47(2); 257-287M24
Dragović, Vladimir Discriminantly separable polynomials2015Bulletin de l'Académie serbe des sciences. Classe des sciences mathématiques et naturelles. Sciences mathématiques; 40; 75-97M51
Dragović, Vladimir ; Kukić, KatarinaDiscriminantly separable polynomials and quad-equations1-Jan-2014Journal of Geometric Mechanics; 6(3); 319-333M21
Dragović, Vladimir ; Kukić, KatarinaDiscriminantly separable polynomials and the generalized Kowalevski top1-Jan-2017Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; 44(2); 229-236M24
Dragović, Vladimir ; Kukić, KatarinaDiscriminantly separable polynomials and their applications1-Jan-2015Springer Proceedings in Physics; International School and Workshop on Nonlinear Mathematical Physics and Natural Hazards, 2013; Sofia; Bulgaria; 28 November 2013 through 2 December 2013; 163; 49-58M14
Dragović, Vladimir ; Ranomenjanahary, Roger FidèleDivision of n -Dimensional Euclidean Space into Circumscribed n-Cuboids4-Dec-2020Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics; 310(1); 137-147M22
Dragović, Vladimir Dynamics of extremal polynomials, conformal geometry, and isomonodromy deformations2021International Conference ”Analytic theory of differential and difference equations” dedicated to the memory of Andrey Bolibrukh Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia, May 25-29, 2020 – postponed and presented in January 2021M32
Dragović, Vladimir Dynamics of extremal polynomials, Painleve VI equations, and isoharmonic deformations2021Mathematics and Applications, 11th Symposium, Mathematics Faculty, Belgrade, 3-4 December 2021; 16M32
Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaEllipsoidal billiards in pseudo-Euclidean spaces and relativistic quadrics1-Oct-2012Advances in Mathematics; 231(3-4); 1173-1201M21