Browsing by Author Dragović, Vladimir

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Showing results 100 to 119 of 151 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Gajić, Borislav ; Dragović, Vladimir ; Jovanović, Božidar On the Completeness of the Manakov Integrals1-Jun-2017Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States); 223(6); 675-685
Gajić, Borislav ; Dragović, Vladimir ; Jovanović, Božidar On the completeness of the Manakov integrals1-Jan-2015Fundamental and Applied Mathematics / Fundamentalnaya i prikladnaya matematika; 20(2); 35-49
Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav Orthogonal and Linear Regression, Moments of Inertia, Confocal Quadrics, and Billiards2023Hybrid: SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry (AG23) July 10 - 14, 2023, Eindhoven, NederlandM34
Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav ; Jovanović, Božidar Overview of algebraic and geometric aspects of Hess-Appel'rot rigid body dynamics20083rd Serbian-Greek Symposium, Recent Advances in Mechanics, Novi Sad, 2008M30
Dragović, Vladimir Pencils of conics and biquadratics, and integrability2014Topology, Geometry, Integrable Systems, and Mathematical Physics: Novikov’s Seminar 2012-2014; 234; 97-120M14
Dragović, Vladimir Pencils of conics as a classification code1-Jan-2013Trends in Mathematics; 30th Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, 2011; Bialowieza; Poland; 26 June 2011 through 2 July 2011; 59; 323-330
Dragović, Vladimir Pencils of conics as a classification code, Trends in Mathematics 2013 Geometric Methods in Physics2011XXX Workshop, Bialowieza, Poland, June 26 to July 2, 2011; 323-330M30
Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaPencils of quadrics, billiard double-reflection and confocal nets2020London Mathematical Society Lecture; 458; 133-166M14
Adabrah, Anani Komla; Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaPeriodic Billiards Within Conics in the Minkowski Plane and Akhiezer Polynomials1-Sep-2019Regular and Chaotic Dynamics; 24(5); 464-501M21
Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaPeriodic Ellipsoidal Billiard Trajectories and Extremal Polynomials1-Nov-2019Communications in Mathematical Physics; 372(1); 183-211M21
Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaPeriodic Trajectories of Ellipsoidal Billiards in the 3-Dimensional Minkowski Space24-Oct-2020Asymptotic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Integrable Systems; Asymptotic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Integrable Systems Workshop, 2018; Sanya; China; 9 April 2018 through 13 April 2018; 338; 159-174M33
Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaPeriods of Pseudo-Integrable Billiards1-Mar-2015Arnold Mathematical Journal; 1(1); 69-73
Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav Points with rotational ellipsoids of inertia, envelopes of hyperplanes which equally fit the system of points in Rk, and ellipsoidal billiards2023Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena; 133776~M21a
Dragović, Vladimir ; Goryuchkina, IrinaPolygons of Petrović and Fine, algebraic ODEs, and contemporary mathematics1-Jan-2020Archive for History of Exact SciencesM22
Dragović, Vladimir Polynomial dynamics and a proof of the fermat little theorem1-Feb-2013American Mathematical Monthly; 120(2); 171-173M23
Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav Polynomial Lax representations and rigid-body systems2002ICM 2002, PekingM30
Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaPoncelet Porisms and Beyond2011M11
Dragović, Vladimir Poncelet-Darboux curves, their complete decomposition and Marden theorem8-Aug-2011International Mathematics Research Notices; 2011(15); 3502-3523M21
Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaPseudo-integrable billiards and arithmetic dynamics1-Jan-2014Journal of Modern Dynamics; 8(1); 109-132M21
Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaPseudo-integrable billiards and double reflection nets1-Jan-2015Russian Mathematical Surveys; 70(1); 1-31M21a