Browsing by Author Došen, Kosta
Showing results 58 to 68 of 68
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Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank |
Došen, Kosta ; Petrić, Zoran | Self-adjunctions and matrices | 1-Oct-2003 | Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra; 184(1); 7-39 | M22 |
Došen, Kosta | Sequent-systems and groupoid models. I | 1-Dec-1988 | Studia Logica; 47(4); 353-385 | |
Došen, Kosta | Sequent-systems and groupoid models. II | 1-Mar-1989 | Studia Logica; 48(1); 41-65 | |
Došen, Kosta ; Petrić, Zoran | Shuffles and concatenations in the construction of graphs | 1-Dec-2012 | Mathematical Structures in Computer Science; 22(6); 904-930 | M22 |
Došen, Kosta | Simplicial endomorphisms | 1-Jul-2008 | Communications in Algebra; 36(7); 2681-2709 | M23 |
Došen, Kosta ; Petrić, Zoran | Symmetric self-adjunctions and matrices | 1-Dec-2012 | Algebra Colloquium; 19(SPL. ISS. 1); 1051-1082 | |
Došen, Kosta ; Petrić, Zoran | Syntax for split preorders | 1-Apr-2013 | Annals of Pure and Applied Logic; 164(4); 443-481 | M22 |
Došen, Kosta ; Petrić, Zoran | The geometry of self-adjunction | 2003 | Publications de l'Institut Mathématique; 73(87); 1-29 | M24 |
Došen, Kosta ; Petrić, Zoran | The maximality of the typed lambda calculus and of cartesian closed categories | 2000 | Publications de l'Institut Mathématique; 68(82); 1-19 | M24 |
Došen, Kosta ; Petrić, Zoran | The typed Böhm theorem | 1-Jan-2001 | Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science; BOTH 2001, Bohm's Theorem: Applications to Computer Science Theory (Satellite Workshop of ICALP 2001); Crete; Greece; 13 July 2001 through 13 July 2001; 50(2); 117-129 | |
Došen, Kosta ; Petrić, Zoran | Weak cat-operads | 25-Mar-2015 | Logical Methods in Computer Science; 11(1) | M22 |