Showing results 35 to 49 of 49
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Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank |
Simić, Slavko | On certain new inequalities in information theory | 1-Oct-2009 | Acta Mathematica Hungarica; 124(4); 353-361 | M23 |
Simić, Slavko | On complex-valued matrlx transforms with slowly varying sequences | 1-Dec-2007 | Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics; 38(6); 603-607 | M23 |
Simić, Slavko | On hadamard type polynomial convolutions with regularly varying sequences | 3-Jul-2006 | Matematički Vesnik; 58(1-2); 13-17 | |
Simić, Slavko | On logarithmic convexity for differences of power means | 1-Dec-2007 | Journal of Inequalities and Applications; 2007 | M23 |
Simić, Slavko ; Vuorinen, Matti | On quotients and differences of hypergeometric functions | 1-Dec-2011 | Journal of Inequalities and Applications; 2011 | M21 |
Simić, Slavko | On regularly varying moments for discrete laws | 1-Mar-2010 | Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica; 47(1); 118-126 | M23 |
Simić, Slavko | On some intermediate mean values | 15-Mar-2013 | International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences; 2013 | |
Simić, Slavko | Second and third order moment inequalities for probability distributions | 1-Aug-2018 | Acta Mathematica Hungarica; 155(2); 518-532 | M22 |
Simić, Slavko | Segments of exponential series and regularly varying sequences | 1-Dec-1999 | Matematički Vesnik; 51(1-2); 53-59 | |
Simić, Slavko | Sharp global bounds for Jensen's inequality | 1-Dec-2011 | Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics; 41(6); 2021-2031 | M23 |
Simić, Slavko ; Vuorinen, Matti; Wang, Gendi | Sharp Lipschitz constants for the distance ratio metric | 1-Jan-2015 | Mathematica Scandinavica; 116(1); 86-103 | M23 |
Simić, Slavko ; Bin-Mohsin, Bandar | Some generalizations of the Hermite–Hadamard integral inequality | 22-Apr-2021 | Journal of Inequalities and Applications; 1; Art. no. 72 | ~M21 |
Simić, Slavko | Some properties of entire functions with nonnegative Taylor coefficients | 1-Jun-2007 | Mathematical Notes; 81(5-6); 681-685 | M23 |
Simić, Slavko | Some refinements of Hermite-Hadamard inequality and an open problem | 1-Jan-2018 | Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics; 42(3); 349-356 | M51 |
Simić, Slavko | Turan's inequality for Appell polynomials | 1-Jan-2006 | Journal of Inequalities and Applications; 2006; 1-7 | M23 |