Browsing by Author Janev, Marko

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Showing results 22 to 41 of 52 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Jakovljević, Nikša; Popović, Branislav; Janev, Marko ; Delić, VladoThe impact of the pitch on the estimation of MFCC1-Dec-20112011 19th Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2011 - Proceedings of Papers; 19th Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2011; Belgrade; Serbia; 22 November 2011 through 24 November 2011; 651-654
Kalušev, Vladimir; Popović, Branislav; Janev, Marko ; Brkljač, Branko; Ralević, NebojšaMeasure of Similarity between GMMs Based on Autoencoder-Generated Gaussian Component Representations2023Axioms; 12(6); 535~M21
Popović, Branislav; Janev, Marko ; Krstanović, Lidija; Simić, Nikola; Delić, VladoMeasure of Similarity between GMMs Based on Geometry-Aware Dimensionality Reduction2023Mathematics; 11(1); 175~M21a
Popović, Branislav; Cepova, Lenka; Cep, Robert; Janev, Marko ; Krstanović, LidijaMeasure of similarity between gmms by embedding of the parameter space that preserves kl divergence1-May-2021Mathematics; 9(9); Art. no. 957~M21a
Šarčev, Ivan; Šarčev, Branislava Petronijević; Krstonošić, Veljko; Janev, Marko ; Atanacković, TeodorModeling the rheological properties of four commercially available composite core build-up materials25-Aug-2020Polymers and Polymer CompositesM22
Lukešević, Lidija Rehlicki; Janev, Marko ; Novaković, Branislava; Atanacković, TeodorMoving point load on a beam with viscoelastic foundation containing fractional derivatives of complex order2022Acta Mechanica~M22
Janev, Marko ; Atanacković, Teodor; Pilipović, StevanNOETHER'S THEOREM FOR HERGLOTZ TYPE VARIATIONAL PROBLEMS UTILIZING COMPLEX FRACTIONAL DERIVATIVES1-Jan-2021Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; 48(2); 127-142M24
Atanacković, Teodor; Janev, Marko ; Pilipović, StevanNoether’s theorem for variational problems of Herglotz type with real and complex order fractional derivatives9-Jan-2021Acta Mechanica; 232(3); 1131-1146~M22
Atanacković, Teodor; Janev, Marko ; Pilipović, StevanNon-linear boundary value problems involving Caputo derivatives of complex fractional order1-Oct-2018Applied Mathematics and Computation; 334; 326-342M21a
Popović, Branislav; Janev, Marko ; Pekar, Darko; Jakovljević, Nikša; Gnjatović, Milan; Sečujski, Milan; Delić, VladoA novel split-and-merge algorithm for hierarchical clustering of Gaussian mixture models1-Jan-2012Applied Intelligence; 37(3); 377-389M21
Rehlicki, Lidija; Janev, Marko ; Novaković, Branislava; Atanacković, TeodorOn Post-Critical Behavior of a Beam on an Elastic Foundation1-Jun-2018International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics; 18(6)M21
Atanacković, Teodor; Janev, Marko ; Pilipović, StevanOn the thermodynamical restrictions in isothermal deformations of fractional Burgers model29-May-2020Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; 378(2172); 20190278M21
Pekar, Darko; Jakovljević, Nikša; Janev, Marko ; Mišković, Dragiša; Delić, VladoOn the use of higher frame rate in the training phase of ASR1-Dec-2010International Conference on Computers - Proceedings; 14th WSEAS International Conference on Computers, Part of the 14th WSEAS CSCC Multiconference; Corfu Island; Greece; 23 July 2010 through 25 July 2010; 1; 127-130
Janev, Marko ; Vrcelj, Zora; Atanacković, TeodorOptimal shape of the rotating nano rodJun-2021International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics; 132; 103688~M22
Janev, Marko Primena frakcionog računa u obradi slike2011doctoral thesis: Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Univerzitet u Novom SaduM70
Pap, Ištvan; Kukolj, Dragan; Marčeta, Zoran; Durković, Vladimir; Janev, Marko ; Popović, Miroslav; Teslić, NikolaRemotely controlled semi-autonomous robot with multimedia abilities1-Jan-2005Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA'05; 5th International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA'05; Budapest; Hungary; 27 June 2005 through 29 June 2005; 863-868
Atanacković, Teodor; Janev, Marko ; Pilipović, StevanRestrictions on parameters in distributed order fractional linear constitutive equations1-Oct-2022Applied Mathematical Modelling; 110; 99-111~M21a
Obradović, Radovan; Janev, Marko ; Antić, Borislav; Crnojević, Vladimir; Petrović, NemanjaRobust sparse image denoising1-Dec-2011Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP; 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2011; Brussels; Belgium; 11 September 2011 through 14 September 2011; 2569-2572
Zlokolica, Vladimir; Krstanović, Lidija; Velicki, Lazar; Popović, Branislav; Janev, Marko ; Obradović, Ratko; Ralević, Nebojša; Jovanov, Ljubomir; Babin, DaniloSemiautomatic Epicardial Fat Segmentation Based on Fuzzy c-Means Clustering and Geometric Ellipse Fitting1-Jan-2017Journal of Healthcare Engineering; 2017M23
Atanacković, Teodor; Janev, Marko ; Oparnica, Ljubica; Pilipović, Stevan; Zorica, Dušan Space-time fractional Zener wave equation8-Feb-2015Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; 471(2174)M21