Showing results 49 to 68 of 128
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Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank |
Stevanović, Dragan ; Ilić, Aleksandar; Onişor, Cristina; Diudea, Mircea | LEL - A newly designed molecular descriptor | 10-Jul-2009 | Acta Chimica Slovenica; 56(2); 410-417 | M22 |
Vasilyev, Alexander; Stevanović, Dragan | MathChem: A python package for calculating topological Indices | 14-Apr-2014 | Match; 71(3); 657-680 | M21 |
Davidović, Tatjana ; Stevanović, Dragan ; Radanović, Luka; Fellague, Abdelkadir; Ostojić, Dragutin | MAXIMIZING SPECTRAL RADIUS OF GRAPHS IS AN OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM | 2024 | SYM-OP-IS 2024, 51st symposium on operational research, Tara 16-19. Sept. 2024; Proceedings; 638-643 | M33 |
Stevanović, Dragan | Maximizing Wiener index of graphs with fixed maximum degree | 10-Jul-2008 | Match; 60(1); 71-83 | M21a |
He, Xiaocong; Feng, Lihua; Stevanović, Dragan | THE MAXIMUM SPECTRAL RADIUS OF GRAPHS WITH A LARGE CORE | 2023 | Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra; 39; 78-89 | ~M22 |
Feng, Lihua; Li, Ziyuan; Liu, Weijun; Lu, Lu; Stevanović, Dragan | Minimal Harary index of unicyclic graphs with diameter at most 4 | 15-Sep-2020 | Applied Mathematics and Computation; 381 | M21a |
Stevanović, Dragan ; Hansen, Pierre | The minimum spectral radius of graphs with a given clique number | 1-Mar-2008 | Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra; 17; 110-117 | M22 |
Stevanović, Dragan ; Stanković, Ivan; Milošević, Marko | More on the relation between energy and laplacian energy of graphs | 22-Jun-2009 | Match; 61(2); 395-401 | M21a |
Stevanović, Dragan | Neke kompozicije grafova igrafovi sa celobrojnim spektrom | 2000 | doctoral thesis: Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu | M70 |
Dress, Andreas; Stevanović, Dragan | A note on a theorem of Horst Sachs | 1-Jan-2005 | Annals of Combinatorics; 8(4); 487-497 | |
Damnjanović, Ivan; Milošević, Marko; Stevanović, Dragan | A Note on Extremal Sombor Indices of Trees with a Given Degree Sequence | 1-Jan-2023 | Match; 90(1); 197-202 | ~M22 |
Majstorović, Snježana; Stevanović, Dragan | A note on graphs whose largest eigenvalue of the modularity matrix equals zero | 1-Jan-2014 | Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra; 27; 611-618 | M22 |
Filipovski, Slobodan; Stevanović, Dragan | A note on the bounds for the spectral radius of graphs | 2023 | Linear Algebra and Its Applications; 667; 1-9 | ~M21 |
Fowler, Patrick; Hansen, Pierre; Stevanović, Dragan | A note on the smallest eigenvalue of fullerenes | 1-Jan-2003 | Match; 48; 37-48 | M22 |
Zhou, Bo; Stevanović, Dragan | A note on Zagreb indices | 1-Dec-2006 | Match; 56(3); 571-578 | M21 |
Ghebleh, Mohammad; Kanso, Ali Adel; Stevanović, Dragan | A novel image encryption algorithm based on piecewise linear chaotic maps and least squares approximation | 1-Mar-2018 | Multimedia Tools and Applications; 77(6); 7305-7326 | M21 |
Hansen, Pierre; Stevanović, Dragan | On bags and bugs | 1-Apr-2008 | Discrete Applied Mathematics; 156(7); 986-997 | M22 |
Damnjanović, Ivan; Stevanović, Dragan | On circulant nut graphs | 15-Jan-2022 | Linear Algebra and Its Applications; 633; 127-151 | ~M21 |
Ilić, Aleksandar; Stevanović, Dragan | On comparing Zagreb indices | 1-Dec-2009 | Match; 62(3); 681-687 | M21a |
Pokorný, Milan; Híc, Pavel; Stevanović, Dragan ; Milošević, Marko | On distance integral graphs | 31-May-2015 | Discrete Mathematics; 338(10); 1784-1792 | M22 |