Showing results 4 to 23 of 128
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Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank |
Vukićević Kovijanić, Žana; Stevanović, Dragan | Bicyclic graphs with extremal values of PI index | 1-Feb-2013 | Discrete Applied Mathematics; 161(3); 395-403 | M22 |
Stevanović, Dragan | Bipartite density of cubic graphs: The case of equality | 6-Jun-2004 | Discrete Mathematics; 283(1-3); 279-281 | M22 |
Feng, Lihua; Lu, Lu; Réti, Tamás; Stevanović, Dragan | A bound on the spectral radius of graphs in terms of their Zagreb indices | 15-Jul-2020 | Linear Algebra and Its Applications; 597; 33-45 | M21 |
Stevanović, Dragan | Bounding the largest eigenvalue of trees in terms of the largest vertex degree | 1-Feb-2003 | Linear Algebra and Its Applications; 360; 35-42 | M22 |
Ilić, Aleksandar; Klavžar, Sandi; Stevanović, Dragan | Calculating the degree distance of partial Hamming graphs | 26-Apr-2010 | Match; 63(2); 411-424 | M21a |
Gutman, Ivan; Vidović, Dušica; Stevanović, Dragan | Chemical applications of the Laplacian spectrum. VI. On the largest Laplacian eigenvalue of alkanes | 1-Jan-2002 | Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society; 67(6); 407-413 | M22 |
Stevanović, Dragan | Comment on "subgraph centrality in complex networks" | 15-Aug-2013 | Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics; 88(2) | M21 |
Stevanović, Dragan | Comments on some new results on energy of graphs | 1-Jan-2018 | Match; 80(2); 445-447 | M21a |
Pokorný, Milan; Stevanović, Dragan | Comments on “On Integral Graphs Which Belong to the Class αKa,b¯ ” [Graphs Comb. 19, 527–532 (2003)] | 11-May-2020 | Graphs and Combinatorics; 36; 1263-1268 | M23 |
Stevanović, Dragan | Comparing the Zagreb indices of the NEPS of graphs | 15-Oct-2012 | Applied Mathematics and Computation; 219(3); 1082-1086 | M21 |
Vukičević, Damir; Sedlar, Jelena; Stevanović, Dragan | Comparing Zagreb indices for almost all graphs | 1-Jan-2017 | Match; 78(2); 323-326 | M21a |
Stevanović, Sanja ; Dashti, Husain; Milošević, Marko; Al-Yakoob, Salem; Stevanović, Dragan | Comparison of ANN and XGBoost surrogate models trained on small numbers of building energy simulations | 1-Oct-2024 | PLoS ONE; 19(10); e0312573 | ~M22 |
Cvetković, Dragoš; Fowler, Patrick; Rowlinson, Peter; Stevanović, Dragan | Constructing fullerene graphs from their eigenvalues and angles | 15-Nov-2002 | Linear Algebra and Its Applications; 356(1-3); 37-56 | M22 |
Ilić, Aleksandar; Stevanović, Dragan | Constructions of hamiltonian graphs with bounded degree and diameter O (log n) | 1-Nov-2009 | Applied Mathematics Letters; 22(11); 1715-1720 | M22 |
Fowler, Patrick; Stevanović, Dragan ; Milošević, Marko | Counterexamples to a conjecture of Dias on eigenvalues of chemical graphs | 14-Jun-2010 | Match; 63(3); 727-736 | M21a |
Da Fonseca, Carlos; Ghebleh, Mohammad; Kanso, Ali; Stevanović, Dragan | Counterexamples to a conjecture on wiener index of common neighborhood graphs | 1-Jan-2014 | Match; 72(1); 333-338 | M21 |
Stevanović, Dragan | Counterexamples to conjectures on graphs with the greatest edge-szeged index | 1-Dec-2010 | Match; 64(3); 603-606 | M21a |
Baltić, Vladimir; Stevanović, Dragan | Counting even and odd restricted permutations | 1-Jan-2016 | Ars Mathematica Contemporanea; 10(1); 9-18 | M21 |
Van Mieghem, Piet; Stevanović, Dragan ; Kuipers, Fernando; Li, Cong; Van De Bovenkamp, Ruud; Liu, Daijie; Wang, Huijuan | Decreasing the spectral radius of a graph by link removals | 6-Jul-2011 | Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics; 84(1) | M21a |
Ilić, Aleksandar; Stevanović, Dragan ; Feng, Lihua; Yu, Guihai; Dankelmann, Peter | Degree distance of unicyclic and bicyclic graphs | 28-Apr-2011 | Discrete Applied Mathematics; 159(8); 779-788 | M22 |