Browsing by Author Atanasovska, Ivana

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Showing results 19 to 38 of 108 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Momčilović, Dejan; Lazović, Tatjana; Marinković, Aleksandar; Soldat, NatašaBiomimetics Design of Tooth Root Zone at Cylindrical Gears Profile2023Biomimetics; 8(3); 308~M21
Bošnjak, Srđan; Petković, Zoran; Atanasovska, Ivana ; Milojević, Goran; Mihajlović, VasoBucket chain excavator: Failure analysis and redesign of the counterweight boom supporting truss columns1-Sep-2013Engineering Failure Analysis; 32; 322-333M21
Momčilović, Dejan; Subić, Aleksandar; Atanasovska, Ivana ; Mitrović, RadivojeCombined load simulation vs component loads simulation in machine design - a case study17-Feb-2014FME Transactions; 42(1); 48-55M24
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Abderazek, HammoudiComparative analysis of few new procedures for spur gears tooth profile optimization with different methods and aspects2017VDI Berichte; International Conference on Gears 2017, Garching near Munich, Germany, September 13th to 15th, 2017; 2294(1-2); 1169-1176M30
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF VIBRO-IMPACT OSCILLATIONS OF SPUR GEAR PAIR FOR VARIATION OF GEARS TRANSMISSION RATIO20178th International Scientific Conference „Research and development of mechanical elements and systems” IRMES2017; 209-214M30
Bisagni, C.; Raimondo, A.; Atanasovska, Ivana ; Milic, M.; Troian, R.; Frulla, G.; Polla, A.; Cora, Ö.N.; Bekci, M.L.; Henriques, B.; de Moura, M.F.S.F.; Almudaihesh, F.; Grigg, S.Comparison of numerical analyses of a composite wing component subjected to 4-point bendingAug-2022Composites Part C: Open Access; 8; 100264M53
Patil, Santosh; Karuppanan, Saravanan; Atanasovska, Ivana ; Wahab, Azmi; Lias, M. R.Contact stress analysis for gears of different helix angle using finite element method1-Jan-2014MATEC Web of Conferences; 13M33
Patil, Santosh; Karuppanan, Saravanan; Atanasovska, Ivana ; Wahab, Azmi AbdulContact stress analysis of helical gear pairs, including frictional coefficients1-Jan-2014International Journal of Mechanical Sciences; 85; 205-211M21
Patil, Santosh; Karuppanan, Saravanan; Atanasovska, Ivana Contact stress evaluation of involute gear pairs, including the effects of friction and helix angle1-Oct-2015Journal of Tribology; 137(4)M22
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Tomović, Radoslav; Mitrović, Radivoje; Soldat, NatašaCONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF LABORATORY 4.0 FOR ROLLING BEARINGS TESTING14-Apr-2022Application of Industry 4.0 – an Opportunity for a New Step Forward in all Industrial Branches, Sarajevo, 14th April, 2022, BiH; 20; 93-102M33
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Momčilović, Dejan; Burzić, Meri; Vuherer, TomažCoupled nonlinear problems in finite element analysis – a case study1-Jan-2012Structural Integrity and Life; Twelfth Meeting “New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture” (NT2F12) Brasov, Romania, 27–30 May, 2012; 12(3); 201-208M24
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Soldat, Nataša; Patil, Santosh; Mitrović, Radivoje; Tomović, RadoslavDamage Factor Calculation for Condition Monitoring of Rolling Bearings2023Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering; 48; 3181-3194M22
Momčilović, Dejan; Atanasovska, Ivana ; Mitrović, RadivojeDesign of the transition zone of turbine shaft to flange by biomimetics principles20184th International Scientific Conference ”Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications” – COMETA2018; 458-463M30
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Momčilović, Dejan; Gavrilovski, MiloradDevelopment of the universal tool for testing of tensile properties of hexagonal steel wire mesh for civil engineering2018Metallurgical and Materials Engineering; 24(2); 113-122M51
Bulatović, Radovan R.; Šalinić, Slaviša; Savković, Mile M.; Atanasovska, Ivana ; Pavlović, GoranA differential evolution algorithm combined with Lévy Flight for dimensional synthesis of four-bar linkage2023Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines~M21
Abderazek, Hammoudi; Ferhat, Djeddou; Atanasovska, Ivana ; Boualem, KeskesA differential evolution algorithm for tooth profile optimization with respect to balancing specific sliding coefficients of involute cylindrical spur and helical gears11-Sep-2015Advances in Mechanical Engineering; 7(9); 1-11M23
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Momčilović, DejanDynamics of complex systems consist of deformable bodies in contact - the new approach20176th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics; 1-6M30
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Vukšić Popović, Marija; Momčilović, DejanDynamics of train composition as a discrete non-homogeneous chain system201714th International conference Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications; 125-125M30
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Patil, Santosh; Casanova, Víctor RodaEditorial “Special issue: Advanced mathematical modeling in mechanical engineering”2024Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science; 238(3); 621-623~M23
Patil, Santosh; Karuppanan, Saravanan; Atanasovska, Ivana Effect of friction inclusion on gear contact stresses2017Mini-symposium “Contact Mechanics: Theory and Applications”; 19-20M60