Showing results 78 to 97 of 157
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Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank |
Jovanović, Božidar | The Jacobi-Rosochatius Problem on an Ellipsoid: The Lax Representations and Billiards | 1-Oct-2013 | Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; 210(1); 101-131 | M21a |
Jovanović, Božidar | Linearizacija Hamiltonovih sistema | 2010 | Nastava matematike; LV(3-4); 22-30 | M50 |
Jovanović, Božidar | LR and L+R systems | 19-Nov-2009 | Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical; 42(22) | M22 |
Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav ; Jovanović, Božidar | Magnetic Chaplygin systems and generalized Demchenko case | 2021 | Конференция “Regular and Chaotic Dynamics” памяти А. В. Борисова, 22 ноября–3 декабря 2021, Москва, Рoсcия | M32 |
Jovanović, Božidar | Magnetic Flows on Coadjoint Orbits | 2006 | Geometric Aspects of Integrable Systems, Coimbra , 2006-07-17 - 2006-07-19.; 11-11 | M30 |
Bolsinov, Alexey; Jovanović, Božidar | Magnetic flows on homogeneous spaces | 1-Jan-2008 | Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici; 83(3); 679-700 | M21 |
Bolsinov, Alexey; Jovanović, Božidar | Magnetic geodesic flows on coadjoint orbits | 21-Apr-2006 | Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General; 39(16) | M21 |
Jovanović, Božidar ; Jovanović, Vladimir | Maupertuis principle and isoenergetic integrabiy | 2013 | 4th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, June 4-7, 2013, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia; 183-186 | M30 |
Jovanović, Božidar | Modified LR and L+R systems and rolling spheres | 2016 | Sixth International Conference “Geometry, Dynamics, Integrable Systems – GDIS 2016, 2. - 5. June, 2016; 24-24 | M30 |
Jovanović, Božidar | Moving frames, classical relativity, and time-dependent nonholonomic mechanics | 2024 | The 9th International Conference Geometry, Dynamics, Integrable Systems, June 2-8, 2024, Zlatibor, Serbia | M32 |
Jovanović, Božidar ; Šukilović, Tijana; Vukmirović, Srđan | Multiplicity free and almost multiplicity free subgroups of compact Lie groups and polynomial integrability of sub-Riemannian geodesic flows | 2023 | Conference Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, December 4-8, 2023, Sirius Mathematics Center, Sochi, Russia | M32 |
Jovanović, Božidar | Neholonomni sistemi na Lijevim grupama | 1997 | 22th Yugoslav Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Novi Sad, June 1-3, 2005; 107-107 | M60 |
Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav ; Jovanović, Božidar | New integrable case of nonholonomic Suslov problem | 1998 | Geometric combinatorics, Kotor, Aug. 28 - Sep. 3, 1998.; 19-19 | M30 |
Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav ; Jovanović, Božidar | A New Nonholonomic Problem: Spherical Ball Bearings | 2022 | SEENET-MTP Assessment Meeting and Workshop on Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 2022 1 - 4 September 2022, Belgrade, Serbia | M32 |
Jovanović, Božidar | Noether symmetries and integrability in time-dependent hamiltonian mechanics | 1-Jan-2016 | Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; 43(2); 255-273 | M24 |
Jovanović, Božidar | Non-holonomic geodesic flows on Lie groups and the integrable Suslov problem on SO(4) | 6-Feb-1998 | Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General; 31(5); 1415-1422 | M21 |
Jovanović, Božidar | Noncommutative integrability and action-angle variables in contact geometry | 1-Jan-2012 | Journal of Symplectic Geometry; 10(4); 535-561 | M21 |
Lukić, Katarina; Jovanović, Božidar | Noncommutative integrability in cosymplectic geometry | 2024 | The 9th International Conference Geometry, Dynamics, Integrable Systems, June 2-8, 2024, Zlatibor, Serbia | M33 |
Bolsinov, Alexey; Jovanović, Božidar | Noncommutative Integrability, Moment Map and Geodesic Flows | 1-Jan-2003 | Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry; 23(4); 305-322 | M22 |
Gajić, Borislav ; Jovanović, Božidar | Nonholonomic connections, time reparametrizations, and integrability of the rolling ball over a sphere | 12-Apr-2019 | Nonlinearity; 32(5); 1675-1694 | M21 |