Browsing by Author Stević, Stevo

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Showing results 100 to 119 of 473 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Stević, Stevo General k-dimensional solvable systems of difference equations1-Jan-2018Symmetry; 10(1)M22
Stević, Stevo General solution to a higher-order linear difference equation and existence of bounded solutions1-Dec-2017Advances in Difference Equations; 2017(1)M21
Stević, Stevo General solutions to four classes of nonlinear difference equations and some of their representations1-Jan-2019Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations; 2019M21a
Stević, Stevo General solutions to subclasses of a two-dimensional class of systems of difference equations2021Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations; 2021; Art. no. 12~M21a
Stević, Stevo A generalization of a result of choa on analytic functions with hadamard gaps1-Jan-2006Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society; 43(3); 579-591M23
Stević, Stevo A generalization of Pachpatte difference inequalities2000Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society; 43; 137-146
Stević, Stevo A generalization of the Copson's theorem concerning sequences which satisfy a linear inequality2001Indian J. Math.; 43(3); 277-282
Stević, Stevo The generalized Cesàro operator in Dirichlet spaces1-Dec-2003Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica; 40(1-2); 83-94M23
Chang, Der Chen; Stević, Stevo The generalized cesàro operator on the unit polydisk1-Jan-2003Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics; 7(2); 293-308M23
Stević, Stevo Generalized composition operators between mixed-norm and some weighted spaces1-Jul-2008Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization; 29(7-8); 959-978M23
Stević, Stevo Generalized composition operators from logarithmic bloch spaces to mixed-norm spaces1-Nov-2008Utilitas Mathematica; 77; 167-172M23
Stević, Stevo ; Sharma, AjayGeneralized composition operators on weighted Hardy spaces1-May-2012Applied Mathematics and Computation; 218(17); 8347-8352M21
Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Generalized composition operators on Zygmund spaces and Bloch type spaces15-Feb-2008Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications; 338(2); 1282-1295M21
Songxiao, Li; Stević, Stevo Generalized Hilbert operator and Fejér-Riesz type inequalities on the polydisc1-Jan-2009Acta Mathematica Scientia; 29(1); 191-200M23
Stević, Stevo ; Sharma, Ajay; Sharma, SomGeneralized integration operators from the space of integral transforms into bloch-Type spaces1-Jan-2012Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications; 14(6); 1139-1147M23
Avetisyan, Karen; Stević, Stevo The generalized Libera transform is bounded on the Besov mixed-norm, BMOA and VMOA spaces on the unit disc15-Jul-2009Applied Mathematics and Computation; 213(2); 304-311M21
Stević, Stevo The generalized Libera transform on Hardy, Bergman and Bloch spaces on the unit polydisc1-Jan-2003Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendung; 22(1); 179-186M23
Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Generalized weighted composition operators from α-Bloch spaces into weighted-type spaces2-Dec-2015Journal of Inequalities and Applications; 2015(1)M21
Hu, Lin Xia; Li, Wan Tong; Stević, Stevo Global asymptotic stability of a second order rational difference equation1-Aug-2008Journal of Difference Equations and Applications; 14(8); 779-797M21
Liu, Wanping; Stević, Stevo Global attractivity of a family of nonautonomous max-type difference equations5-Feb-2012Applied Mathematics and Computation; 218(11); 6297-6303M21