Browsing by Author Stević, Stevo

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Showing results 47 to 66 of 473 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Stević, Stevo Cesàro averaging operators1-Jan-2003Mathematische Nachrichten; 248-249; 185-189M22
Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Cesàro-type operators on some spaces of analytic functions on the unit ball15-Feb-2009Applied Mathematics and Computation; 208(2); 378-388M21
Stević, Stevo A characterization of some classes of harmonic functions1-Apr-2008Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics; 5(1); 61-76M23
Stević, Stevo Characterizations of composition followed by differentiation between Bloch-type spaces15-Dec-2011Applied Mathematics and Computation; 218(8); 4312-4316M21
Jiang, Zhi Jie; Stević, Stevo Compact differences of weighted composition operators from weighted Bergman spaces to weighted-type spaces1-Dec-2010Applied Mathematics and Computation; 217(7); 3522-3530M21
Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Compactness of Riemann-Stieltjes operators between F(p,q,s) spaces and α-Bloch spaces19-Mar-2008Publicationes Mathematicae; 72(1-2); 111-128M23
Stević, Stevo ; Jiang, Zhi JieCompactness of the differences of weighted composition operators from weighted Bergman spaces to weighted-type spaces on the unit ball1-Jan-2011Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics; 15(6); 2647-2665M22
Stević, Stevo Compactness of the Hardy-Littlewood operator on some spaces of harmonic functions1-Jan-2009Siberian Mathematical Journal; 50(1); 167-180M23
Songxiao, Li; Stević, Stevo Composition followed by differentiation between bloch type spaces1-Apr-2007Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications; 9(2); 195-205M23
Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Composition followed by differentiation between H∞ and α-bloch spaces19-Jun-2009Houston Journal of Mathematics; 35(1); 327-340M22
Stević, Stevo Composition followed by differentiation from H∞ and the Bloch space to nth weighted-type spaces on the unit disk15-Aug-2010Applied Mathematics and Computation; 216(12); 3450-3458M21
Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Composition followed by differentiation from mixed-norm spaces to α-Bloch spaces1-Jan-2008Sbornik Mathematics; 199(12); 1847-1857M23
Stević, Stevo Composition operators between H∞ and a-Bloch spaces on the polydisc1-Jan-2006Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendung; 25(4); 457-466M23
Stević, Stevo Composition operators from the Hardy space to the nth weighted-type space on the unit disk and the half-plane1-Feb-2010Applied Mathematics and Computation; 215(11); 3950-3955M21
Stević, Stevo Composition operators from the hardy space to the zygmund-type space on the upper half-plane21-May-2009Abstract and Applied Analysis; 2009M21a
Stević, Stevo Composition Operators From The Hardy Space To Zygmund-type Spaces On The Upper Half-plane And The Unit Disc2010Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications; 12(1); 305-312M23
Stević, Stevo ; Sharma, AjayComposition operators from the space of Cauchy transforms to Bloch and the little Bloch-type spaces on the unit disk15-Aug-2011Applied Mathematics and Computation; 217(24); 10187-10194M21
Stević, Stevo Composition operators from the weighted Bergman space to the nth weighted spaces on the unit disc24-Nov-2009Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society; 2009M21
Stević, Stevo Composition operators from the weighted Bergman space to the nth weighted-type space on the upper half-plane1-Dec-2010Applied Mathematics and Computation; 217(7); 3379-3384M21