Browsing by Author Urošević, Dragan

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Showing results 73 to 92 of 122 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Urošević, Dragan Rasporedjivanje zadataka na višeprocesorskom sistemu modifikacijom nekih heurističkih algoritama1994master thesis: Matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u BeograduM71
Mladenović, Nenad ; Plastria, Frank; Urošević, Dragan Reformulation descent applied to circle packing problems1-Jan-2005Computers and Operations Research; 32(9); 2419-2434M22
Mladenović, Nenad ; Plastria, Frank; Urošević, Dragan Reformulation Descent for Circle Packing200314th Meeting of European Working Group in Location Analysys; 12-12M30
Zhao, Qiu Hong; Urošević, Dragan ; Mladenović, Nenad ; Hansen, PierreA restarted and modified simplex search for unconstrained optimization1-Dec-2009Computers and Operations Research; 36(12); 3263-3271M21a
Urošević, Dragan Rešavanje problema optimizacije na grafovima metodom promenljivih okolina2004doctoral thesis: Matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u BeograduM70
Macedo, Rita; Benmansour, Rachid; Artiba, Abdelhakim; Mladenović, Nenad ; Urošević, Dragan Scheduling preventive railway maintenance activities with resource constraints1-Apr-2017Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics; 4th International Conference on Variable Neighborhood Search; 58; 215-222M30
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Marković, Zoran ; Blagojević, D.; Marković, M.; Urošević, Dragan ; Bajić, D.Softverski sistem za zaštićeno elektronsko arhiviranje2005M85
Lazić, Jasmina; Hanafi, Saïd; Mladenović, Nenad ; Urošević, Dragan Solving 0-1 mixed integer programs with variable neighbourhood decomposition search1-Dec-2009IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline); 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, INCOM'09; Moscow; Russian Federation; 3 June 2009 through 5 June 2009; 13(PART 1); 2012-2017
Hansen, Pierre; Brimberg, Jack; Urošević, Dragan ; Mladenović, Nenad Solving large p-median clustering problems by primal-dual variable neighborhood search1-Dec-2009Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery; 19(3); 351-375M21a
Brimberg, Jack; Mladenović, Nenad ; Todosijević, Raca ; Urošević, Dragan Solving Max-Mean Diversity Problem With General Variable Neighborhood Search2015XXXXII SYM-OP-IS; 121-124M30
Roksandić, Sanja; Carrizosa, Emilio; Mladenović, Nenad ; Urošević, Dragan Solving multifacility Huff location models on networks1-Jan-2013Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, IEEE - IESM 2013; 2013 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, IEEE - IESM 2013; Rabat; Morocco; 28 October 2013 through 30 October 2013
Grohmann, Sanja; Urošević, Dragan ; Carrizosa, Emilio; Mladenović, Nenad Solving multifacility Huff location models on networks using metaheuristic and exact approaches1-Feb-2017Computers and Operations Research; 78; 537-546M21
Roksandić, Sanja; Carrizosa, Emilio; Urošević, Dragan ; Mladenović, Nenad Solving Multifacility Huff Location Models on Networks Using Variable Neighborhood Search and Multi-Start Local Search Metaheuristics1-Dec-2012Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics; 39; 121-128
Brimberg, Jack; Mladenović, Nenad ; Todosijević, Raca ; Urošević, Dragan Solving the capacitated clustering problem with variable neighborhood search1-Jan-2019Annals of Operations Research; 272(1-2); 289-321M22
Mladenović, Nenad ; Todosijević, Raca ; Urošević, Dragan ; Ratli, MustaphaSolving the Capacitated Dispersion Problem with variable neighborhood search approaches: From basic to skewed VNSMar-2022Computers and Operations Research; 139; 105622~M21
Brimberg, Jack; Janićijević, Stefana; Mladenović, Nenad ; Urošević, Dragan Solving the clique partitioning problem as a maximally diverse grouping problem1-Aug-2017Optimization Letters; 11(6); 1123-1135M21
Brimberg, Jack; Mladenović, Nenad ; Urošević, Dragan Solving the maximally diverse grouping problem by skewed general variable neighborhood search1-Jan-2015Information Sciences; 295; 650-675M21a
Amirgaliyeva, Zhazira; Mladenović, Nenad ; Todosijević, Raca ; Urošević, Dragan Solving the maximum min-sum dispersion by alternating formulations of two different problems16-Jul-2017European Journal of Operational Research; 260(2); 444-459M21a
Ristic, Dalibor; Urošević, Dragan ; Mladenović, Nenad ; Todosijević, Raca Solving the P-Second Center Problem with Variable Neighborhood Search1-Jan-2023Computer Science and Information Systems; 20(1); 95-115~M23
Pei, Jun; Mladenović, Nenad ; Urošević, Dragan ; Brimberg, Jack; Liu, XinbaoSolving the traveling repairman problem with profits: A Novel variable neighborhood search approach1-Jan-2020Information Sciences; 507; 108-123M21a