Browsing by Author Tepavčević, Andreja

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Showing results 8 to 27 of 146 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Šarčević, Zoran; Tepavčević, Andreja Atrial fibrillation in middle-aged athletes: Differences in relation to sex and participation in competitions1-Jan-2020New Research on Atrial Fibrillation and Ischemic Heart Disease; 33-55
Tepavčević, Andreja Axiomatic approach to lattice characterization of groups20242024 North American Annual meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic. 17.maj 2024 Ames, IowaM31
Lazarević, Vera; Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja Bisemilattice-valued fuzzy sets1-Jan-1998Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics - NSJOM; 28(3); 105-114M51
Šarčević, Zoran; Tepavčević, Andreja Body mass index and comorbidities are associated with the duration of COVID-19 symptoms in non-hospitalized patients1-Sep-2022Journal of International Medical Research; 50; 1-7~M23
Horváth, Eszter K.; Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja Cardinality of height function's range in case of maximally many rectangular islands - computed by cuts1-Feb-2013Central European Journal of Mathematics; 11(2); 296-307M22
Droste, Manfred; Meinecke, Ingmar; Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja A cascade decomposition of weighted finite transition systems29-Jul-2011Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 15th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory, DLT 2011; Milan; Italy; 19 July 2011 through 22 July 2011; 6795 LNCS; 472-473M33
Czédli, Gábor; Erné, Marcel; Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja Characteristic triangles of closure operators with applications in general algebra1-Sep-2009Algebra Universalis; 62(4); 399-418M23
Jimenez, Jorge; Montes, Susana; Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja Characterization of L-fuzzy semi-filters and semi-ideals1-Dec-20092009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and 2009 European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference, IFSA-EUSFLAT 2009 - Proceedings; 2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, IFSA 2009 and 2009 European Society of Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference, EUSFLAT 2009; Lisbon; Portugal; 20 July 2009 through 24 July 2009; 1073-1078M33
Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja Collection of Finite Lattices Generated by a Poset1-Jan-2000Order: A Journal on the Theory of Ordered Sets and its Applications; 17(2); 129-139M23
Šarčević, Zoran; Tepavčević, Andreja Competitive Endurance Activities of Middle-aged Athletes as a Risk Factor for Atrial Fibrillation1-Nov-2018Current Sports Medicine Reports; 17(11); 391-395M23
Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja Completion of ordered structures by cuts of fuzzy sets: An overview16-May-2003Fuzzy Sets and Systems; 136(1); 1-19M22
Edeghagba, Elijah Eghosa; Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja Congruences and Homomorphisms on Ω -algebras1-Jan-2017Kybernetika; 53(5); 892-910M23
Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja Congruences on Lattices and Lattice-Valued Functions1-Jan-2022Computational Intelligence and Mathematics for Tackling Complex Problems 2; 11th European Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Mathematics, ESCIM 2019; 955; 219-228M33
Janiš, Vladimír; Renčova, Magdalena; Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja Construction of fuzzy relation by closure systems1-Dec-2009Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, PReMI 2009; New Delhi; India; 16 December 2009 through 20 December 2009; 5909 LNCS; 116-121M33
Šarčević, Zoran; Savić, Dragan; Tepavčević, Andreja Correlation between isometric strength in five muscle groups and inclination angles of spine1-Jan-2020European Spine Journal; 29(1); 161-168M21
Droste, Manfred; Meinecke, Ingmar; Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja Coverings and decompositions of semiring-weighted finite transition systems20-Apr-2012Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing; 278; 193-216M12
Horváth, Eszter K.; Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja Cut approach to invariance groups of lattice-valued functions1-Feb-2017Soft Computing; 21(4); 853-859M22
Horváth, Eszter K.; Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja Cut approach to islands in rectangular fuzzy relations16-Dec-2010Fuzzy Sets and Systems; 161(24); 3114-3126M21a
Janiš, Vladimir; Renčová, Magdaléna; Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja Cut properties of resemblance1-Dec-2010Kybernetika; 46(4); 600-608M23
Borchardt, Björn; Maletti, Andreas; Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja ; Vogler, HeikoCut sets as recognizable tree languages1-Jun-2006Fuzzy Sets and Systems; 157(11); 1560-1571M21