Browsing by Author Živaljević, Rade

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Showing results 45 to 64 of 64 < previous 
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Jevtić, Filip ; Timotijević, Marinko; Živaljević, Rade Polytopal Bier Spheres and Kantorovich–Rubinstein Polytopes of Weighted Cycles1-Jan-2019Discrete and Computational GeometryM22
Timotijević, Marinko; Živaljević, Rade ; Jevtić, Filip D. Polytopality of Simple Games1-Jan-2024Experimental Mathematics~M22
Baralić, Đorđe ; Curien, Pierre Louis; Milićević, Marina; Obradović, Jovana ; Petrić, Zoran ; Zekić, Mladen ; Živaljević, Rade Proofs and surfaces1-Oct-2020Annals of Pure and Applied Logic; 171(9); 102845M21
Živaljević, Rade Rotation number of a unimodular cycle: An elementary approach1-Jan-2013Discrete Mathematics; 313(20); 2253-2261M22
Dizdarević, Manuela Muzika; Timotijević, Marinko; Živaljević, Rade Signed polyomino tilings by n-in-line polyominoes and Gröbner bases1-Jan-2016Publications de l'Institut Mathematique; 99(113); 31-42M24
de Longueville, Mark; Živaljević, Rade Splitting multidimensional necklaces20-Jun-2008Advances in Mathematics; 218(3); 926-939M21a
Jojić, Duško; Panina, Gaiane; Živaljević, Rade Splitting necklaces, with constraints2021SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics; 35(2); 1268-1286~M23
Jojić, Duško; Vrećica, Siniša; Živaljević, Rade Symmetric multiple chessboard complexes and a new theorem of Tverberg type1-Aug-2017Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics; 46(1); 15-31M21
Dizdarević, Manuela Muzika; Živaljević, Rade Symmetric polyomino tilings, tribones, ideals, and gröbner bases1-Jan-2015Publications de l'Institut Mathematique; 98(112); 1-23M24
Blagojević, Pavle ; Grujić, Vladimir; Živaljević, Rade Symmetric products of surfaces and the cycle index1-Jan-2003Israel Journal of Mathematics; 138; 61-72M22
Živaljević, Rade Topological methods2004Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry (Second Ed.); 305-330M14
Živaljević, Rade Topological methods in discrete geometry1-Jan-2017Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry, Third Edition; 551-580M13
Baralić, Đorđe; Prvulović, Branislav; Stojanović, Gordana; Vrećica, Siniša; Živaljević, Rade Topological obstructions to totally skew embeddings31-Jan-2012Transactions of the American Mathematical Society; 364(4); 2213-2226M21
Mani-Levitska, Peter; Vrećica, Siniša; Živaljević, Rade Topology and combinatorics of partitions of masses by hyperplanes1-Dec-2006Advances in Mathematics; 207(1); 266-296M21a
Jojić, Duško; Panina, Gaiane; Živaljević, Rade A Tverberg type theorem for collectively unavoidable complexes1-Jan-2021Israel Journal of Mathematics~M22
Živaljević, Rade The Tverberg-Vrećica problem and the combinatorial geometry on vector bundles1-Jan-1999Israel Journal of Mathematics; 111; 53-76M22
Živaljević, Rade Tverberg’s theorem and shadows of simplices and convex bodies1-Jan-2006Teaching of Mathematics; 9(2); 1-17
Jojić, Duško; Marzantowicz, Wacław; Vrećica, Siniša; Živaljević, Rade Unavoidable complexes, via an elementary equivariant index theory1-Jun-2020Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications; 22(2)M21a
Živaljević, Rade User's Guide to Equivariant Methods in Combinatorics II1998Publications de l'Institut Mathématique; 64(78); 107-132M24
Živaljević, Rade WI-posets, graph complexes and ℤ2-equivalences1-Jan-2005Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A; 111(2); 204-223M22