Browsing by Author Živaljević, Rade

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Showing results 28 to 47 of 64 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Živaljević, Rade A Glimpse into Continuous Combinatorics of Posets, Polytopes, and Matroids1-Aug-2020Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States); 248(6); 762-775M51
Jojić, Duško; Vrećica, Siniša; Živaljević, Rade A glimpse into the theory of chessboard complexes1-Jan-2021Teaching of Mathematics; 24(2); 112-128M24
Živaljević, Rade Groupoids in combinatorics - applications of a theory of local symmetries2006Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics; 423; 305-324M14
Vrećica, Siniša; Živaljević, Rade The ham sandwich theorem revisited1-Feb-1992Israel Journal of Mathematics; 78(1); 21-32M23
Dizdarević, Manuela Muzika; Živaljević, Rade Hamiltonian surfaces in the 4-cube, 4-bit Gray codes and Venn diagrams2022Publications de l'Institut Mathematique; 111(125); 17-40M24
Welker, Volkmar; Ziegler, Günter; Živaljević, Rade Homotopy colimits - comparison lemmas for combinatorial applications12-Apr-1999Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik; 1999(509); 117-149M21
Ziegler, Günter; Živaljević, Rade Homotopy types of subspace arrangements via diagrams of spaces1-Jan-1993Mathematische Annalen; 295(1); 527-548M21
Živaljević, Rade Illumination complexes, Δ-zonotopes, and the polyhedral curtain theorem1-Jan-2015Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications; 48(3); 225-236M22
Bokan, Neda; Gilkey, Peter; Živaljević, Rade An inhomogeneous elliptic complex1-Jan-1993Journal d'Analyse Mathématique; 61(1); 367-393M22
Živaljević, Rade Let’s get acquainted with mapping degree!1-Jan-2011Teaching of Mathematics; 14(2); 119-136
Vrećica, Siniša; Živaljević, Rade Measurable patterns, necklaces and sets indiscernible by measure1-Jan-2015Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis; 45(1); 39-53M21
Jojić, Duško; Vrećica, Siniša; Živaljević, Rade Multiple chessboard complexes and the colored Tverberg problem1-Jan-2017Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A; 145; 400-425M21
Živaljević, Rade Neka pitanja kombinatorne geometrije i konveksne analize1979master thesis: Matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u BeograduM71
Vučić, Aleksandar; Živaljević, Rade Note on a conjecture of sierksma1-Dec-1993Discrete and Computational Geometry; 9(1); 339-349
Živaljević, Rade On a cohomology theory based on hyperfinite sums of microsimplexes1-Jan-1987Pacific Journal of Mathematics; 128(1); 201-208M23
Živaljević, Rade ORIENTED MATROIDS AND KY FAN'S THEOREM25-Oct-2010Combinatorica; 30(4); 471-484M21
Makai, Endre; Vrećica, Siniša; Živaljević, Rade Plane sections of convex bodies of maximal volume1-Jan-2001Discrete and Computational Geometry; 25(1); 33-49M21
Jevtić, Filip ; Timotijević, Marinko; Živaljević, Rade Polytopal Bier Spheres and Kantorovich–Rubinstein Polytopes of Weighted Cycles1-Jan-2019Discrete and Computational GeometryM22
Timotijević, Marinko; Živaljević, Rade ; Jevtić, Filip D. Polytopality of Simple Games1-Jan-2024Experimental Mathematics~M22
Baralić, Đorđe ; Curien, Pierre Louis; Milićević, Marina; Obradović, Jovana ; Petrić, Zoran ; Zekić, Mladen ; Živaljević, Rade Proofs and surfaces1-Oct-2020Annals of Pure and Applied Logic; 171(9); 102845M21