Showing results 238 to 257 of 268
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Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank |
Savić, Miloš; Ivanović, Mirjana; Radovanović, Miloš; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Pejović, Aleksandar; Jakšić Kruger, Tatjana | The structure and evolution of scientific collaboration in Serbian mathematical journals | 1-Jan-2014 | Scientometrics; 101(3); 1805-1830 | M21a |
Knežević, Milica ; Marinković, Bojan ; Bulatović, Nataša; Todorović, Milan ; Čukić, Ivan; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Lehmann, Jörg; Zamoiski, Andrei | Stvaranje CENDARI digitalnog repozitorijuma o Prvom svetskom ratu i srenjevekovnoj kulturi Evrope | 2015 | 13th National Conference: Cultural Heritage Digitization & Digital Humanities; 4-4 | M60 |
Ognjanović, Zoran | Šta sve donosi veštačka inteligencija | 1995 | Filozofija i Društvo; 8; 193-204 | M52 |
Ognjanović, Zoran ; Perović, Aleksandar; Ilić Stepić, Angelina | Tableau For the Logic ILP | 2022 | Publications de l'Institut Mathématique; 112(126); 1-11 | M24 |
Ognjanović, Zoran | A tableau-like proof procedure for normal modal logics | 20-Jun-1994 | Theoretical Computer Science; 129(1); 167-186 | M23 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Marković, Zoran ; Ognjanović, Zoran | Tehnički izveštaj o evaluaciji kriptografske sigurnosti tehnika za zaštitu govornog servisa Mobilne telefonije, Telekoma Srbije | 2007 | | M80 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Marković, Zoran ; Ognjanović, Zoran | Tehnički izveštaj o evaluaciji kriptografske sigurnosti tehnika za zaštitu negovornih servisa Mobilne telefonije, Telekoma Srbije | 2007 | | M80 |
Ognjanović, Zoran | Tehnologija ekspertnih sistema | 1994 | IV Naučni skup o sistemu naučnih i tehnoloških informacija "Stanje i tendencije razvoja sistema naučnih, tehnoloških i poslovnih informacija u Saveznoj republici Jugoslaviji", Vrnjačka Banja, 7. i 8. april 1994; 53-56 | M63 |
Marinković, Bojan ; Glavan, Paola; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Studer, Thomas | A temporal epistemic logic with a non-rigid set of agents for analyzing the blockchain protocol | 1-Sep-2019 | Journal of Logic and Computation; 29(5); 803-830 | M21 |
Ognjanović, Zoran ; Rašković, Miodrag | The completeness theorem for a temporal logic with probabilistic operators | 1997 | VIII International Conference on Logic and Computer Science LIRA '97, 1997.; 177-181 | M63 |
Šegan-Radonjić, Marija ; Milovanović, Miloš ; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Rajić, Sanja; Mijajlović, Žarko | The next step in development of eCatalog of nonmovable cultural monuments in Serbia | 2014 | The Ninth SEEDI Conference: Digitization of cultural and scientific heritage Belgrade, Serbia, 15-16 May 2014.; 16-16 | M34 |
Ognjanović, Zoran | The resolution tableau for logics of likelihood | 2001 | Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics; 23; 107-117 | M52 |
Dobreva, Milena; Ognjanović, Zoran | The second conference of the National digitisation centre of Serbia and Montenegro: Digitisation from a Balkan perspective | 2003 | DigiCULT.Info; 5; 16-17 | |
Mihajlović, Aleksandar; Jelisavčić, Vladisav ; Marinković, Bojan ; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Milutinović, Veljko | The Serbia-forum Cultural Heritage Digitization Project with Emphasis on Semantic Indexing | 2013 | Review of the NCD; VII International SEEDI Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 17-18th May 2012; 22; 47-54 | M33 |
Savić, Miloš; Ivanović, Mirjana; Radovanović, Miloš; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Pejović, Aleksandar; Jakšić Kruger, Tatjana | The structure and evolution of scientific collaboration in eLib, a on-line library of Serbian mathematical journals | 2014 | The Ninth SEEDI Conference: Digitization of cultural and scientific heritage Belgrade, Serbia, 15-16 May 2014.; 15-16 | M34 |
Ghilezan, Silvia ; Ivetić, Jelena; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Savić, Nenad | Towards probabilistic reasoning about lambda terms with intersection types | 2016 | The 22nd International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES 2016, Novi Sad, Serbia, 23-26 May 2016 | M34 |
Ghilezan, Silvia ; Ivetić, Jelena; Kašterović, Simona; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Savić, Nenad | Towards Probabilistic reasoning about simply typed lambda terms | Nov-2017 | Sedma nacionalna konferencija “Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene” ; Beograd, Srbija, 8. novembar 2017; 11-12 | |
Ghilezan, Silvia ; Ivetić, Jelena; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Savić, Nenad | Towards probabilistic reasoning about typed lambda terms | Jun-2018 | TYPES 2018 - 24th International Conference onTypes for Proofs and Programs, 18-21 June 2018, Braga, Portugal; 41-42 | M34 |
Ghilezan, Silvia ; Ivetić, Jelena; Kašterović, Simona; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Savić, Nenad | Towards Probabilistic Reasoning in Type Theory - The Intersection Type Case | 1-Jan-2020 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 11th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems, FoIKS 2020; Dortmund; Germany; 17 February 2020 through 21 February 2020; 12012 LNCS; 122-139 | M33 |
Stošović, Milan; Rašković, Miodrag ; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Marković, Zoran | Transforming electronic medical books to diagnostic decision support systems using relational database management systems | 1-Dec-2013 | Computational Medicine in Data Mining and Modeling; 79-103 | M14 |