Browsing by Author Caporossi, Gilles

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Stevanović, Dragan ; Ghebleh, Mohammad; Caporossi, Gilles; Vijayakumar, Ambat; Stevanović, Sanja On regular triangle-distinct graphs1-Sep-2024Computational and Applied Mathematics; 43(6); 336~M21
Caporossi, Gilles; Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad Variable neighborhood search1-Jan-2016Metaheuristics; 77-98
Cvetković, Dragoš; Simić, Slobodan ; Caporossi, Gilles; Hansen, PierreVariable neighborhood search for extremal graphs 3. On the largest eigenvalue of color-constrained trees1-Dec-2001Linear and Multilinear Algebra; 49(2); 143-160