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- Radio Transmission--Spread Spectrum | Binary Sequences | Linear Feedback Shift Registers | Sequence Generators 1
- Random advection-diffusion equation | Surface finite elements | Surface PDEs | Uncertainty quantification 1
- Rational difference equation | Stability | Symmetry 2
- ratni vandalizam | ruina | Prvi svetski rat | ratna propaganda | patriotizam | obnova | katedrala u Remsu | Njegoševa zavetna kapela na Lovćenu 1
- reaktivno prilagođavanje | postepeno prilagođavanje | transformativno prilagođavanje | upravljanje projektima 1
- Recursive relation | Solution in closed form | Solvable equation | Square root 1
- reduction | lambda calculus 1
- Relational systems | Fuzzy sets 1
- Reliability | Circuit breakers | Bayesian networks | Interval probabilities 1
- renewable electrical energy | electrical energy supply | autoregressive distributed lag 1
- renewable energy | district heating | biomass | MCDM | SWARA 1
- Research problems | Spectral graph theory 1
- Resource allocation | Mixed-integer programming formulation | Exact solver | Metaheuristic approach | Multiple neighborhoods 1
- reversible computation | reversible ternary functions 1
- RFID authentication protocols | cryptanalysis | man-in-the-middle attack | NHB# | HB# 1
- Riemannian space | generalized Riemannian space | torsion | energy-momentum tensor 1
- Riemannian space | invariant of Thomas type | invariant of Weyl type | invariant | pressure | energy density | spin tensor 1
- rigid body motion | Lax representation | algebro-geometric integration procedure | Baker–Akhiezer function 1
- Risk | Bayesian networks | Analytic Hierarchy Process | Circuit-breakers 1
- Rolling bearings | Damage factor | Vibration measurement | Nonlinear dynamics | Finite element analysis 1