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- object classification | object recognition | Shape | shape descriptors | shape measures 1
- Octanes | Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons | QSAR | QSPR | Topological indices 1
- Open Coloring Axiom | βN 1
- operad | cyclic operad | unrooted trees | syntax | rewriting system | formalisation 1
- Operator algebras | Operator equations | Operator modules | Topological function theory 1
- Opial’s inequality | q-derivative | q-integral 1
- Optimal Compressor Function | Spline Functions | SQNR 1
- optimizacija | sivi vuk | algoritam | inženjerski problemi 1
- Optimization methods | Quantization | Spline 1
- Optimization problems | Mixed integer programs | Exact solvers | Metaheuristics | Hybrid methods 1
- Optimization | Ant | Algorithm | Gear box 1
- Optimization | Grasshopper algorithm | Helical spring | Car side impact | Cone clutch | Speed reducer 1
- optimization | grasshopper algorithm | pressure vessel | beam | cone coupling 1
- optimization | grey wolf | spring | pressure vessel | cantilever beam 1
- optimization | pso algorithm | spring | pressure vessel 1
- optimization | pso algorithm | spring | pressure vessel | cantilever beam | cone coupling | welded beam 1
- Order reversing involutions | Poset | Relation | Transitivity | Weakly orthogonal poset 1
- Organizational citizenship behavior | in-role and extra-role | employees 1
- oscillatory model of the mitotic spindle | fractional modes | rheonomic system 1
- P-adic artificial language | P-adic distance | P-adic similarity 1