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- nanobeam | nonlocal viscoelasticity | fractional derivative viscoelasticity | nanotube mass sensor | attached mass 1
- nanorod | post-buckling | Rotating 1
- narrative | corpus | spoken language | Serbian | deep annotation | govorno pripovijedanje | korpus | govorni jezik | srpski jezik | dubinska anotacija 1
- national heritage | information technologies | electronic guides 1
- National park | Djerdap | ecotourism | natural resources | sustainable development 1
- National park | PROMETHEE | Djerdap | Forestry 1
- natural frequency | amplitude ratio | Keer layer | Rayleigh double beam 1
- natural frequency | Rayleigh double-beam | compressive axial load | Keer layer 1
- NCD | Nacionalni centar za digitalizaciju | strategija digitalizacije | baština 1
- neighborly polytopes | quasitoric manifolds | Small covers | the classification problem | the lifting conjecture 1
- nepokretna kulturna dobra | metapodaci | standard | spomenici kulture 1
- Non-linear programming | Three-dimensional packing | Unit-sphere packing | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Non-reciprocial wave propagation | Mechancial metamaterials | Phononic lattices | Inerters | Time-modulated properties | Coupled beams system 1
- Nonholonimic dynamics | Rolling without slipping | Invariant measure | Integrability 1
- Nonisolated type | Powerful type | Semi-isolation | Small theory 1
- nonlinear difference equation | second-order difference equation | two-periodic solution 1
- nonlinear dynamics | complex cantilever | influence coefficients of deflection | averaging method | method of constant variations 1
- nonlinear dynamics | oscillatory systems | numerical calculation 1
- Nonlinear programming | Piecewise linear relaxation | Rectangle packing problem. 1
- Nonlocal field theory | P-adic string theory | Riemann zeta function 1