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- Halin graph | outerplanar graph | planar graph | signless Laplacian matrix | spectral radius 1
- Hamilton and Reich sequences | Mergelyan's sets | Unique Hahn-Banach extension | Uniquely extremal dilatation 1
- Hamming distance | random triangles | space of sequences 1
- Hardy Field | Normalized Functions | Regularly Varying Functions | Slowly Varying Functions 1
- Hardy space | Harmonic functions | Littlewood-Paley inequality | Maximal function | Unit ball 1
- Hardy space | Multiplication operator | Operator norm | Polydisk | Unit ball | Weighted Bergman space | Weighted composition operator 1
- Harmonic function | HL-property | Mixed norm space | Unit ball 1
- Harmonic functions | Holomorphic functions | Mixed-norm space | Unit ball | Čebišev inequality 1
- Harmonic functions | Riesz-Fejér inequality | Schur test | Sharp estimates 1
- Harmonic mappings | Lipschitz spaces | Quasiregular mappings 1
- Harmonic mappings | Lipschitz-type spaces | Quasiregular mappings 1
- Harmonic mappings | Modulus of continuity | Quasiregular mappings 1
- Harmonic mappings | quasiconformal mappings | Holder continuity 1
- Harris hawks optimization algorithm | optimization | engineering problems | metaheuristic 1
- Harris hawks | optimization | car side impact | cone clutch | three dimensional beam | I beam 1
- Heat affected zone | Heat resisting steel | Impact toughness | Instrumented charpy test 1
- heat generation | radial ball bearing | contact load | angular speed 1
- Heaviside function | Max-type difference equation | Non-persistent | Temporal lobe epilepsy | Unbounded 1
- Hebrew | part-of-speech tagging | speech synthesis 1
- Henson graph | Poset of copies | Random graph | Sacks forcing | Ultrahomogenous graphs 1