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- F-planar mapping, invariant, affine connection spaces 1
- face detection | image processing | lip detection | skin detection 1
- facility best improvement | heap data structure | heuristic | less is more | obnoxious location 1
- Facility location | Global optimization | Huff model | Multi-start local search | Network | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Fair division | Illumination complexes | Splitting necklaces | Zonotope 1
- Faithful functor | Frobenius algebra | Topological quantum field theory | Zsigmondy's theorem 1
- Families of finite sets | Nonseparable Banach spaces | Spreading models 1
- Fast algorithms | Galois field expressions | GPU computing | Spectral transforms 1
- Fast fourier transform | Finite groups | Multiple-valued logic networks | Regular networks 1
- Fast Fourier Transform | Galois Field Expressions | GPU Computing. | Multiple-valued logic | Parallel Algorithms | Spectral Methods 1
- Fast Fourier transform | Logic networks | Multiple-valued logic | non-Abelian groups 1
- Fatigue cracks | Fracture toughness | Proof test | Welded structures 1
- fatigue design | residual life | stress intensity analysis | surface flaw 1
- Fatigue failure | pin-loaded lug | residual life estimation | stress analysis 1
- Fault location | Distribution network | Crew optimization 1
- Fault location | Markov decision process | Smart grid 1
- FEA | Helical gears | Load distribution | Stiffness 1
- FEA | Implant | Inclination 1
- Feed-in tariff | Financial incentive | Household subsidy | Solar hot water system 1
- Feed-in tariff | Financial incentive | Household subsidy | Solar water heating system 1