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- C -algebras * | Continuum Hypothesis | Ultrapowers 1
- C*-algebras | Nonseparable | UHF algebras 1
- C. Neumann coordinates | elliptic functions | elliptic integrals | nonholonimic dynamics | regular and pseudo-regular precessions | remarkable trajectories | rolling without sliding | Voronec principle; Mathematics - Dynamical Systems; Mathematics - Dynamical Systems; Mathematical Physics; Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry; Mathematics - History and Overview; Mathematics - Mathematical Physics; Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems; 37J60, 70F25, 33E05, 53Z05, 01A60, 01A72 1
- Caching | Genetic algorithms | Simple plant location problem 1
- Cactus | Perfect matching | Spectral radius 1
- Calculus of variations | Cosmological solutions | Equations of motion | Nonlocal gravity | Pseudo-Riemannian manifold 1
- calendar | culture 1
- Caliber | First countable | Point-finite 1
- Calibration with entropic penalty term | Financial markets | Geometric Esscher measure | Option pricing 1
- Calkin algebra | Continuum Hypothesis | Nonseparable 1
- Calkin algebra | Continuum Hypothesis | Todorcevic's axiom | approximate homomorphisms | independence results | outer automorphisms 1
- Caller ID applications | GDPR | Inverse privacy | Name sensitivity | Privacy policy | Privacy variables 1
- Cancelling mean | Hölder means | Stolarsky means 1
- Canonical commutation relations | Graphs | Representations | Simple nuclear C*-algebras 1
- Canonical vector bundle | Cartan model | Symmetric space 1
- Cantilever Beam | Three Dimensional | Metaheuristic Algorithm | Applied Mechanics | Comparison Of Results | Swarm Behavior | Swarm Algorithm | Speed Reducer 1
- Cantor set | Dual Ramsey theory | Ramsey degree | Unit interval 1
- Cantor-Bendixson rank | Definable type | Stationary type 1
- capacitated clustering problem | Nested variable neighborhood search | variable neighborhood descent 1
- Capacitated Dispersion Problem | Combinatorial optimization | Heuristics | Variable neighborhood search 1