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Showing results 2462 to 2481 of 2662
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- Plastic flow | Quasi-static continual shell-like ZP model | Specific deformation work | Strain | Stress | ZP thickness 1
- Pollution routing problem | minimization of greenhouse gasses emission | alternative fuel vehicles | recharging stations | sustainability 1
- Polygon | Rectilinear | Shape descriptor 1
- polyhedral product | moment-angle manifold | Massey product | Lusternik–Schnirelmann category | polytope family | flag polytope | generating series | nestohedron | graph-associahedron 1
- Polynomial of fourth order | Product-type system | Solvable in closed form | System of difference equations 1
- Polynomial weights | Complete axiomatization | Probabilistic logics 1
- polynomial | sum | powers of natural numbers 1
- Polytopal spheres | Bier spheres | Simple games | Generalized permutahedra 1
- Port operations | quay cranes | rectangle packing | operations scheduling | total cost minimization 1
- Positive solution | Rational difference equation | Stability | Symmetry 1
- postmoderna nauka | estetsko vaspitanje | nagon za igrom | kompleksni sistemi | vremenski operator | šah 1
- Practical solvability | Solvable systems | System of difference equations 2
- Practically solvable system | Product-type system | Second order system | System of difference equations 1
- predicate logic | propositional logic 1
- Prediction | Service life | Steel wire ropes 1
- prestressing wire | reinforced concrete | corrosion | Theory of Critical Distances 1
- Privacy | Internet of Things | Cloud computing | Mathematical models | Formal methods 1
- Probabilistic logic | Epistemic logic | Completeness 2
- probabilistic logic | intuitionistic logic | completeness | decidability 1
- Probabilistic logic | Measure of confirmation | Completeness theorem | Decidability 2