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- Max-type system of difference equations | The closed form solution 1
- MDD | Multiple-valued logic | Random graphs | Synthetic benchmarks 1
- measurement problem | quantum ensemble | quantum state | time continuum | time operator 1
- Measurement | Polygons | Rectilinearity | Shape 2
- measurements | p-adic mathematical physics | p-adic numbers | p-adic strings | the genetic code 1
- Mechanicism | Paradigmatic shift | Postmodern science | Traditional cosmology 1
- media | education | labor market | competences | PCA analysis | AHP and FAHP analysis 1
- Meet-between lattice | Meet-embedding | Poset | Representation | Slim lattice 1
- Meet-irreducible | Partially ordered set 1
- Meta-heuristic algorithm | Nonlinear processing times | Parallel-batching | Scheduling 1
- Metadata Standard | Bibliographic Record | National Heritage | Metadata Record | Metadata Model 1
- Metaheuristic Algorithm | Nelder-Mead | Multi-Objective Optimization | Eco-Friendly Machining | Turning 1
- metaheuristics | mixed integer quadratically constrained programming | transportation of agriculture raw materials | variable neighborhood search | vehicle scheduling problem 1
- Metaheuristics | Modularity maximization | Optimization on graphs | Social networks 1
- method of transformation | solution in closed form | solvable system | system of difference equations 1
- Minimal field, minimal group | Podewski's conjecture | Valued group 1
- Minimal structure | Model theory | Pregeometry | Semi-isolation 1
- Minimal walks | Ordinal numbers 1
- Minimum sum-of-squares clustering Location on networks Variable neighborhood search 1
- Minority free carrier mobility | Photoacoustic method | Thermal diffusivity 1