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- maintenance | railway | scheduling | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Maintenance | Reliability | Simulation | Two-unit standby system | Weibull distribution 1
- Maneuvering target tracking | Nonlinear filtering | Particle filter | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Mapping degree | Winding number 1
- marketing | cross cultural | business | communication 1
- Mass inertia moment vectors | multi-coupled rotations | nonintersecting axes | theorems | vector rotators 1
- Matematički institut | Srpska akademija nauka | naučni instituti Srpske akademije nauka 1
- material fatigue | crack | fatigue crack | crack growth | technological improvements | plastification | calculation method | finite element method 1
- material fatigue | surface crack | fatigue crack | crack growth | fatigue strength | tensile strength | stress analysis 1
- Mathematical analogy | Methodology | Nonlinear differential equation | Phase trajectory portraits | Rolling heavy ball | Surface of sphere 1
- Mathematical analogy | Mode interactions | Multi-bodies system | Phenomenological mapping | Resonant jumps | Trigger of coupled singularities 1
- Mathematical phenomenology | Non-linear dynamics | Oscillatory motion | Radial ball bearings | Spur gears | Variable stiffness 1
- mathematical physics | mathematics | necrology | Vasiliy Sergeevich Vladimirov 1
- Mathematics - Dynamical Systems; Mathematics - Dynamical Systems; Mathematical Physics; Mathematics - Complex Variables; Mathematics - Metric Geometry; Mathematics - Mathematical Physics; Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems; 51N20, 30C15, 37J35, 70H06 1
- Mathematics - Dynamical Systems; Mathematics - Dynamical Systems; Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems; 37C83, 37J35, 37J39 1
- mathematics | student | interesting mathematical problems | teaching mathematics | motivation 1
- matrices as pictures | RMF transform | two-sided RMF spectrum 1
- Matrix completion | Rank deficiency matrix | Singular value 1
- MAUT | Decision making | Multi criteria analysis | Smart home | Stochastic dominance 1
- Max-type difference equation | Min-type difference equation | Periodic solution 1