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- Location | Routing | Scheduling | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Logic design | Decision diagrams | Spectral techniques | AND-EXOR expressions | bit-level decision diagrams | word-level decision diagrams 1
- Logic in computer science 1
- Long term behavior | System of difference equations | System solved in closed form 1
- Long-term behavior of solutions | Solution to difference equation | Undefinable solutions 1
- Long-term behavior | Product-type system | Second-order system | Solvable system of difference equations 1
- Loop | quasigroup | Unit | Weak associativity 1
- Low level processing and coding | Pattern analysis | Shape representation 1
- Low rank perturbations | matrix pencils | minimal completions 1
- Low rank perturbations | Matrix pencils | One-row completions 1
- Low rank perturbations | Matrix pencils | Row-completion of matrix pencils 1
- Lua programming language | AMPL | API 1
- Lyapunov exponents | Multifrequency | Stochastic itô differential equations 1
- Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction | Simply supported beam | two-parameter bifurcation problem | Winkler foundation 1
- Machine Learning | Combinatorial Optimization | Classification Accuracy | Variable Neighborhood Search | Memetic Algorithm 1
- Machine learning | Natural language processing | Sentiment analysis | Text mining 1
- machine learning; prediction | classification algorithms | water pump failure | optimization 1
- Magnetic field | Multi-layered graphene sheets | Nonlocal viscoelasticity | Orthotropic nanoplates 1
- Main eigenvalues | Number of walks | Rayleigh quotient | Zagreb indices 1
- Maintenance | minimum sum of squares | optimization | railway infrastructure | variable neighborhood search 1