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- L-valued down-sets | L-valued sets (L-fuzzy sets) | L-valued up-sets 1
- Lagrange's equations | Mechanical system | Non-linear connection | Rheonomic lagrange space 1
- lambda calculus | sequent calculus | logic | resource control | structural rules | typeability | intersection types | strong normalisation 1
- lambda calculus | simple types | reducibility model 1
- Laplace transform | Q-polynomials 1
- Laplacian coefficients | Laplacian matrix | Laplacian-like energy | Unicyclic graph 1
- Laplacian coefficients | Line graph | Signed graph | Subdivision graph 1
- Laplacian spectrum | Oriented incidence energy | Threshold graphs 1
- Largest eigenvalue | Nested split graph | Signless Laplacian | Spectral bounds | Spectral radius | Threshold graph 1
- Lattice of varieties | Quadratic level quasigroup equation | Quasigroup | Quasigroup functional equation | Quasigroup identity | Quasigroup variety 1
- Lattice points | Rotation number | Toric topology | Unimodular sequence 1
- Lattice valued | Linear equation | Matrix equations | Weak fuzzy equivalence relation 1
- Lattice-valued | Weak congruence | Ω-algebra | Ω-lattice | Ω-skew lattice 1
- Lax functor | Loop space | Simplicial space 1
- Leaf classification | Moments | Multi-component shapes | Shape | Shape invariants 1
- Leaf spring | FEM analysis | Wagon | Ansys 2
- Less-is-More | Metaheuristic | Variable formulation space | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Level density | Neutron capture | Radiative strength function | Two-step gamma cascades 1
- lifelong learning | knowledge-based society | information technology | lifelong education 1
- lightweight cryptography | authentication | HB-family | man-in-the-middle attack | cryptanalysis | Poisson-Binomial distribution | LPN problem 1