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- Integral inequality | Nonnegativity | Q-integral 1
- integral means | integral-type operator | multiplication operator | operator norm | weighted-type space 1
- integral operator | multilinear operator | operator norm | radialization of a function | weighted-type space 1
- integral-type operator | operator norm | weighted-type space 1
- Intelligent instruments | Microphone response | Modulation frequency | Neural networks | Photoacoustics 1
- Interactive proof system | Zero-knowledge proof | Epistemic logic | Justification logic | Probabilistic logic 1
- Interactive Proofs | Justification Logic | Non-standard Probabilities 1
- internal rotation of the tibia in the stance phase of running | patella | patellar dislocation | patellofemoral instability | tibial tubercle-trochlear groove distance 1
- internal wave | remote sensing | wave breaking 1
- Intersection form | Mapping degree | Quadratic forms | Quasitoric manifolds 1
- Intersection types | Kripke-style semantics | Lambda calculus | Probabilistic reasoning | Soundness 1
- Intersection types | Lambda calculus | Models of lambda calculus | Reducibility method | Stone dualities 1
- Intuitionism | Measurement problem | Multiresolution hierarchy | Real numbers | Self-organization | Time operator 1
- Intuitionistic logic | Probability 1
- intuitionistic logic | probability operators | proof procedure 1
- Intuitionistic logic | Sequent calculus | Unprovability 1
- Intuitionistic preference | Join irreducible element | Poset 1
- Intuitionistic | Logic 1
- invariant of mapping | affine connection | Thomas projective parameter | Weyl projective tensor | curvature tensor | affine connection 1
- Invariant operations | Multiple valued logic | Polynomial representations | Spectral transforms 1