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- Inerter | Elastic beam array | Interface modes | Band transition | Topological insulators 1
- Infinite number of agents | Probabilistic common knowledge | Probabilistic epistemic logic | Strong completeness 1
- Influence diagram | Fuzzy probability values | Power systems 1
- Influence diagram | Group decision making | Risk assessment 1
- Information measure | nonextensive entropy | nonextensive system | pseudoadditivity | Shannon additivity 1
- Information retrieval | Overlay networks | Peer-to-peer 1
- Information technologies | mobile applications | war diaries | historical heritage 1
- infragravity waves | nonlinear wave interactions | wind gust | wind waves 1
- innovation | Global Innovation Index | BRICS | principal component analysis | regression 1
- Inscribing and outscribing | Lusternik-Schnirelmann category | Schwarz genus 1
- insert education | internet | PCA | linear regression | digitalization 1
- institucionalni repozitorijum | MISANU | DSpace-CRIS | naučno-istraživačka produkcija | otvoreni pristup 1
- integrability | invariant measure | nonholonimic dynamics | rolling without slipping 1
- integrability | invariant measure | nonholonimic dynamics | rolling without slipping; Mathematical Physics; Mathematical Physics; Mathematics - Dynamical Systems; Mathematics - Mathematical Physics; Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems; 37J60, 37J35, 70E40, 70F25 1
- Integrability | Invariant measure | Nonholonomic Chaplygin systems 2
- Integrable geodesic flows | Noncommutative integrability | Symplectic reduction 1
- Integrable systems | Invariant tori | Multi-valued mappings | Prym varieties | Spectral curves 1
- Integrable systems | Rigid body | Symplectic reduction 1
- Integral eigenvalues | Semiregular bipartite graphs | Signless laplacian spectrum 1
- Integral graphs | Mutually orthogonal Latin squares | Regular graphs 1