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- Huffman coding | Entropy coding | Scalar quantization 1
- Hybrid quantizer | Variable-length code words | Small bit rate 1
- Hybrid transform | Logic functions | Multiple-valued logic | Parametric transform | Reed-muller | Reed-muller haar | Switching function | Ternary logic 1
- hyperelliptic curves | Painlevé equations | Schlesinger systems 1
- Hyperfunctions | Rotation invariant | Spherical harmonics | Spherical means | Spherical representations | Ultradistributions 1
- Hypergeometric functions | Inequalities | Log-convexity 1
- Hypergeometric functions | Inequalities | Sub-additivity 1
- I. V. Volovich | mathematical physics | mathematics | theoretical physics 1
- Image processing | Measuring shapes | Multi-component shapes | Pattern recognition 1
- Image processing | Moment invariants | Moments | Pattern recognition | Shape 1
- image processing | pattern recognition | Shape | shape convexity | shape descriptors | shape measure 1
- Impact conditions | Krilov-Boogolyubov-Mitropolyskiy method | Nonlinear oscillator | Phase trajectories | Stationary vibroimpact representational points | Torsion oscillator | Vibroimpact processes 1
- index generation function | linear decomposition | partially defined function 1
- Index generation function | Linear transformation | Non-linear transformation | Reed-Muller expression 1
- index generation functions | linear spaces | linear transformation | polynomial transformation 1
- index generation functions | multiple valued functions | reduction of variables 1
- Indicators | Serbia | Urban green networks | Urban planning 1
- Individual wave retrieval | shoaling waves | wavelet analysis | X-band radar 1
- Industrial by-products | Mechanical characteristics of concrete | Mineral admixtures | Self-compacting concrete 1
- Industries, petroleum/natural gas: oil pipeline network design | Networks/graphs, applications: design problem-formulation and analysis | Programming, integer, algorithms: interactive branch-and-bound with valid inequalities 1