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- Heaviside function | Max-type difference equation | Non-persistent | Temporal lobe epilepsy | Unbounded 1
- Hebrew | part-of-speech tagging | speech synthesis 1
- Henson graph | Poset of copies | Random graph | Sacks forcing | Ultrahomogenous graphs 1
- Hermitian matrices | Majorizations | Positive (negative) definite matrices | Singular values 1
- Hesitancy margin | Intuitionistic fuzzy set | Lattice valued bifuzzy set | Lattices | Motivation in non-profit organizations 1
- Heuristic function | Multiprocessor controllers: | Robot models 1
- Heuristic methods | Local search | Optimization on graphs | Stochastic search | Suboptimal solutions 1
- Heuristic | J-means | K-means | Minimum sum-of-squares clustering | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Heuristic | Location - routing | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Heuristic | Location | Optimization | Plane 1
- Heuristic | Metaheuristic | Travelling salesman | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Heuristic | Metaheuristic | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Heuristic | Metaheuristic | Variable neighbourhood search 2
- Heuristics | Hub center | Multiple allocation | p-hub | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Heuristics | Linear fractional programming | Market share | Plant location | Return-on-investment 1
- Heuristics | Location | p-center | p-next center | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Heuristics | Location | P-center | Tabu search | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Heuristics | Maritime transport policy | Mixed integer linear programming formulation | Passenger ferry service 1
- Heuristics | Nested variable neighborhood descent | p-hub | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Hexagonal lattices | Curved beams | Timoshenko beams | Bloch waves | Phononic bandgaps 1