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Showing results 2020 to 2039 of 2641
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- generation | Multiple-valued bent functions | quantification 1
- Generic continuity | Large cardinal 1
- Generically stable type | Invariant type | Morley sequence | Regular type | RK-minimal type | Rudin-Keisler order 1
- Genetic algorithm | Geophysical inversion problem | Tomography 1
- Genetic algorithm | Location analysis | Multi-source Weber problem | Planar p-median | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Genetic Algorithm | Transportation Cost | Steiner Tree | Lagrangean Relaxation | Steiner Tree Problem 1
- Genetic algorithms | Graph bisection | Multidimensional graph bisection | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Geodesic flows | Hamiltonian action of a Lie group | Integrable Hamiltonian systems | Noncommutative integrability 1
- Geodesic flows | Integrability | Nonholonomic systems 1
- geodesic flows | topological entropy | homogeneous spaces | Hamiltonian action of a Lie group | (non-commutative) integrability 1
- Geographic information system-multicriteria decision-making approach | Large housing estates | Postsocialist urban redevelopment | Urban green space | Urban Green Transformation Index 1
- Geolocation-based social networks | Mapping | Emergencies | Communication 2
- Geometric combinatorics | Gray codes | Partitions of masses 1
- geometric mapping | affine connection | invariant | application 1
- Geometric optimization | stress-strain analysis | biomimetics | finite element analysis | high-loaded shafts 1
- Global optimization | Heuristics | Min-max problems | Tabu search | Variable neighbourhood search 1
- global optimization | heuristics | non-differentiable optimization | simplex method | variable neighbourhood search. 1
- Global optimization | Matrix completion | Missing data | Occlusion | SPOC | Structure from motion 1
- Global optimization | Metaheuristics | Nonlinear programming | Variable neighborhood search 1
- globalization | PLS-SEM | ICT trade | digitalization | science and technology 1