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Showing results 1980 to 1999 of 2641
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- Galaxies: individual: NGC 2366 | Hii regions | ISM: Supernova remnants 1
- galaxy morphology | high redshift | morphology parameters 1
- Galois field expressions | Generalized Galois field expressions | Generalized Reed-Muller expressions | Reed-Muller expressions | Special normal form 1
- Galois field expressions | Reed-Muller expressions | special normal form | Ternary logic 1
- Gamma function | Inequalities | Psi function 1
- gamma rays: galaxies | Local Group | pulsars: general 1
- Gamma spectroscopy | Ge - detectors | Neutron spectra | Unfolding procedures 1
- Garage capitalism | Large housing estate | Nis | Post-socialism | Urban transformation 1
- Garnier systems | Painlevé VI equations | Periods of differentials | Rational solutions | Superelliptic curves | Triangular Schlesinger systems 1
- Gauge symmetries | Momentum equation | Moving energy. | Noether's integrals | Poincaré-Cartan form | Time-dependent a fine con-straints 1
- Gaussian distribution | Global optimization | Metaheuristics | Nonlinear programming | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Gaussian entropy | Landsberg—vedral entropy | Rényi entropy | Sharma— mittal entropy | Tsallis entropy | α-channel capacity | α-mutual information 1
- Gaussian mixtures | Pattern classification | Precision matrix | Sparse representation | Speech recognition | ℓ −regularization 1 1
- Gaussian quadrature rule | Integration of highly oscillatory functions | Modified generalized Laguerre weight | Orthogonal polynomials | Three-term recurrence relations 1
- Gel’fand – Cetlin systems | invariant polynomials | noncommutative integrability; Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems; Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems; Mathematics - Group Theory; Mathematics - Symplectic Geometry; 37J35, 17B63, 17B80, 53D20 1
- general edge coloring | neighbor sum distinguishing index | total coloring 1
- General lower bounds | mixed metric dimension | Mixed metric generator | Mixed resolving set | Torus graph 1
- general solution | hyperbolic-cotangent–type systems | solvable difference equation | system of difference equations 1
- general solution | Identity sieve | quadratic functional equation | quasigroup 1
- general solution | linear first-order difference equation | nonlinear difference equation | solvability 1