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- Euler genus | Halin graph | Outerplanar graph | Signless Laplacian matrix | Spectral radius 1
- Evaporated neutron spectra | HPGe detector | Inelastic scattering of neutrons | Low-background gamma spectroscopy | Neutron capture 1
- Evapotranspiration | Forecasting | Neural networks 1
- Even and odd restricted permutations | Exact enumeration | Permanents | Recurrences 1
- Eventually constant solutions | Global attractivity | Max-type difference equation | System of difference equations 1
- Eventually equal to unity | Positive solutions | Rational difference equation 1
- Eventually periodic solution | Max-type difference equation 1
- Eventually periodic solution | System of max-type difference equations | System of min-type difference equations 1
- Eventually periodic solutions | System of max-type difference equations | System of min-type difference equations 1
- Evolution of the genetic code | Genetic code | Genome | P-adic genomic space | P-adic modelling 1
- Evolution Strategies | Less is more and NP-Hard problems | Metaheuristics | Neighborhood structure | Reduced VNS 1
- Evolution strategies | Memetic algorithms | Neighborhood structures | Open-pitmining operational planning | Reduced variable neighborhood search | Short-term load forecasting | Unrelated parallel machine scheduling 1
- Evolutionary algorithm | Genetic algorithm | Metaheuristics | Neural networks | P-median | Scatter search | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Evolutionary Algorithm | Signal Transduction Networks | Systems Biology | Transitive Reduction | Variable Neighborhood Search 1
- Evolutionary approach | Genetic algorithms | Hypercubes | Metric dimension | Minimal doubly resolving sets 1
- Evolutionary approach | Genetic algorithms | Strong metric dimension 1
- Evolutionary approach | Graph theory | Metric dimension 1
- Evolutionary computations | Genetic algorithms | Location | p-Hub median problem | Single allocation 1
- Exact solution | Magnetic field effects | Multi-nanorod system | Natural frequency | Nonlocal effects 1
- Exceptional graphs | Posets | Spectral graph theory 1