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Showing results 1680 to 1699 of 2641
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- Distribution type | Normal distribution | Record moments | Records 1
- distributivity equations | nullnorms | Quasi-linear means | semi-nullnorms | semi-t-operators | t-conorms | t-norms 1
- distributivity equations | t-conorms | t-norms | uni-nullnorms | Uninorms 1
- distributivity laws | semi-t-operator | uninorm 1
- Distributivity | T-uninorm | Uninorm 1
- district heating | strategic management | SWOT | AHP | FAHP 1
- Diversity/dispersion problem | Maximum-mean | Variable neighborhood search 1
- Divided difference filter | Extended Kalman filter | Gaussian sum filter | Recurrent neural networks | Sequential Bayesian estimation | Unscented kalman filter 1
- DNA models | Eigen modes | Elasticity | Energy transfer | Mechanical hereditary elements | Signals | Visco-elasticity 1
- dodekaedar | ikosaedar | moment-ugao kompleks | kvazitorusne mnogostrukosti 1
- Domain mapping method | Random domains | Random elliptic equations | Surface finite element method 1
- Domain of undefinable solutions | Linear first order difference equation | Long-term behavior | Solvable difference equation 1
- dominating set | independent set | integer linear programming | {k}-packing function problem 1
- Double DNA helix chain | forced vibrations | eigen main chains | resonant state | dynamical absorption | elastic model | fractional order model | transfer of signals 1
- Double exponential law | Entire functions of finite order | The class Γ 1
- Double reflection nets | Integrable line congruences | Interval exchange transformations | Pencils of quadrics | Periodic billiard trajectories | Poncelet theorem | Pseudo-integrable billiards | Relativistic quadrics 1
- Double-edge notches | Fatigue failure | FEM | Quarter-elliptical/through cracks | Residual life 1
- Drazin invertible C -operator * | Generalized C -Weyl operator * | Hilbert C -module * | Semi-C -B-Fredholm operator * 1
- Driving mode | Fatigue response | Residual life | Semi-elliptical flaw 1
- Drones | Delivery | Surveillance | Optimization problems | Metaheuristics 1