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- deep learning | malware detection | memory dump | memory forensic | segment detection 1
- deep learning | natural language processing | sentiment analysis | syntactic dependencies | transformers 1
- Deep water | Kinetic equations | Mild-slope equation | Nearshore | Nonlinear interaction | Nonlinear Schrödinger equation | Resonant interaction | Shoaling | Water waves | Wave forecasting | Zakharov equation 1
- Deformable modelling | Image registration | Manifold projection | Quadratic optimization 1
- Degeneracy | Insertion | Location-allocation 1
- degree sequence | greedy tree | Sombor index | trees 1
- Delta Modulation | Forward-adaptive quantizer | Predictor | Correlation coefficient | SQNR | Gp 1
- dendrite | hyperspace | n-fold symmetric product | polynomial entropy | subshift | wandering point 1
- Denjoy–Carleman classes | Eigenfunction expansions | Gelfand–Shilov spaces | Shubin type differential operators | Ultradifferentiable functions | Ultradistributions 1
- Dense local order | Poset of copies | Random tournament | Sacks forcing | Ultrahomogeneous tournament | σ-Closed forcing 1
- Dense metrizable subspaces | Linearly fibered spaces | Mappings onto Tychonoff cubes | Metrizably fibered spaces | Property K | Separability | Shanin's condition | Strictly positive measures | The countable chain condition 1
- Dense sets of reals | Forcing | Open Coloring Axiom | Suslin trees | Towers 1
- Density | Finite sets | Ramsey theory 1
- Dependency parsing | Graph convolutional network | Natural language processing | Neural network | Sentiment analysis 1
- Derivative operation | Isotopy | Loop | Quasigroup | Unit 1
- Deterioration model | Gamma process | Timber-concrete composite 1
- Deviating argument | Lipschitz-continuous solutions | Local solution | Nonlinear functional equation | Unique existence 1
- DH parameters | Robot | Kinematic | KUKA IR 161/15.0 1
- DHT-based Overlay networks | Digitized cultural heritage | Distributed databases | Information retrieval | Peer-to-peer 1
- Diagonal natural transformation | Intuitionistic relevant logic | Partial functions | Pointed sets | Symmetric monoidal closed categories 1