Authors: Farah, Ilijas 
Title: Absoluteness, truth, and quotients
Journal: Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Volume: 25
First page: 1
Last page: 24
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2014
ISSN: 1793-0758
DOI: 10.1142/9789814571043_0001
The infinite in mathematics has two manifestations. Its occurrence in analysis has been satisfactorily formalized and demystified by the δ method of Bolzano, Cauchy and Weierstrass. It is of course the 'set-Theoretic infinite' that concerns me here. Once the existence of an infinite set is accepted, the axioms of set theory imply the existence of a transfinite hierarchy of larger and larger orders of infinity. I shall review some well-known facts about the influence of these axioms of infinity to the everyday mathematical practice and point out to some, as of yet not understood, phenomena at the level of the third-order arithmetic. Technical details from both set theory and operator algebras are kept at the bare minimum. In the Appendix, I include definitions of arithmetical and analytical hierarchies in order to make this paper more accessible to non-logicians. In this paper I am taking a position intermediate between pluralism and non-pluralism (as defined by P. Koellner in the entry on large cardinals and determinacy of the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy) with an eye for applications outside of set theory.
Publisher: World Scientific

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