Browsing by Author Songxiao, Li

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Songxiao, Li; Stević, Stevo Composition followed by differentiation between bloch type spaces1-Apr-2007Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications; 9(2); 195-205M23
Songxiao, Li; Stević, Stevo Generalized Hilbert operator and Fejér-Riesz type inequalities on the polydisc1-Jan-2009Acta Mathematica Scientia; 29(1); 191-200M23
Songxiao, Li; Stević, Stevo Products of composition and integral type operators from H∞ to the Bloch space15-Apr-2008Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations; 53(5); 463-474M23